Bibliography "How To Forecast Weather", D. Ramsey, Tab Books, 1983, 213 pg. "Weather Watch", H. Bernard, Walker and Company, 1979, 196 pg. "Groundwater and Wells", Driscoll, Johnson Filtration Systems, 1986, 1089 pg. "The Weather Changers", D.S. Halacy, Harper and Row, 1968, 246 pg. "The Audubon Field Guide to North American Weather", A. Knopf, Random House, 656 pg. "Weatherwise Magazine", various articles, issues. "It's Raining Frogs and Fishes", J. Dennis and G. Wolf, Harper Collins, 1992, 323 pg. "The Breathing Planet", B. Blackwell, Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1986, 336 pg. All these books are definitely worth reading as they will increase your knowledge in the areas of weather, water resources, and natural resources in general. There are other specialized books available too. Some areas of study could be: Forestry, Water Resources, Mining and its management, Coastal Waterway Management, Water Rites, and the list goes on and on. There are many books and much reference material available at your Public or School Library -- it is easy to get these and other books covering ALL the areas you would want.